What are your favorite qualities in yourself? Who are you around when you feel most free to be your authentic self? What activities bring you the most joy? How will you show yourself some love this week?
*Food for thought: as medical students, we have always strived to care about those around us. Whether it is our family, friends, patients, or colleagues, being selfless can become a part of our identity. However, it is important to show the same love we show others to ourselves. This week's reflection is going to require some self-love and introspection on what you admire the most about the amazing being that you are and what environment allows you to be your best self.*
Thank you so much for sharing with us, and we look forward to seeing your journaling journey!😊
COSGP Wellness Committee
I'm the happiest when I'm outside in the sun and the air is crisp, so I try to walk around campus when the weather is nice